
175-TDS_Uncovering Nintendo’s Roots and Hasbro’s Game Room Thrills: From Treetop Escapes to Weathering Art Extremes

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Venture with me into a world where playing cards paved the way for pixelated plumbers and princesses, as I unravel the storied saga of Nintendo, a titan in the video game industry with origins you might find surprising. Feel the nostalgia as we reminisce about the legacy of iconic characters like Mario and peek behind the curtain to uncover his whimsical naming origins, all while gearing up for the thrill of Nintendo World at Universal. And there’s more—a sneak preview awaits of Hasbro’s latest escapade, the Game Room, which promises to transform family entertainment with a dash of GI Joe-themed laser tag excitement at the American Dream Mall.

Our journey doesn’t stop at the game screen; we soar to new heights at Tree Escape Aerial Adventure Park and confront the tempestuous winds of controversy at MONA’s exclusive art installation. Prepare to be whisked away to Bremen, Germany, where an innovative museum experience beckons, promising to plunge us into the heart of Earth’s most extreme weather conditions. Together, we’ll explore how these bold new adventures epitomize the ever-evolving landscape of location-based entertainment—because who knows, the next adventure might just be around the corner, or high up in the treetops, waiting for you to discover it.

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The brainchild of two location-based experience enthusiasts, Christine Buhr and Brandon Willey, the LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas.

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