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Month: October 2023


#1182 – Compelling Immersion Showing! Part 3

In concluding our extensive coverage of the crowded and record-breaking International Association of Amusement Park and Attractions European Expo (IAAPA-EU’23), we zero in on the growing trends that are shaping the modern amusement and attraction landscape. Active Entertainment Seen across the show floor, jumping around within an immersive enclosure offers a glimpse of “Active Entertainment” (also referred to in some sectors as “Active Social Play”) – which is a trend that has also seen continued investment. The interest in active citizens addressing health concerns following lockdown have also linked to the growth of “eXergaming” as a saviour to the slowdown in the fitness and gym industry.  Bringing examples of active entertainment to the Vienna show floor were exhibitors led by Valo Motion. Crossing the MR boundaries, the company showed their continued market penetration with their highly active and attractive platforms, […]


#1181 – Compelling Immersion Showing! Part 2

Continuing our extensive coverage of the crowded and record-breaking International Association of Amusement Park and Attractions European Expo (IAAPA-EU’23). In this second part, we continue to report on the trend of VR and other immersive investment on display. VR Attractions The application of this immersive tech into experiences was represented through “VR Attractions” – taking the mid-scale and large-scale attractions into the VR realm. The use of VR in attractions was seen on the Moviemex3D booth, with the company operating a two-seat motion variant of their ‘Flying Theater’ – running custom content created by the company ‘7 Wonders’. Also on booth was a demonstration of their ‘VR Labyrinth’ enclosure experience – players moved through various virtual spaces, with effects like wind, heat, and floor vibration, to achieve a compelling and small footprint virtual adventure. Both systems were running on PICO […]


#1180 – Compelling Immersion Showing! Part 1

We see a crowded period of international shows and trade events following the holiday hiatus. This latest coverage breaks down these events and the trends that emerged or grew during them, along with the appearances of latest technology which are shaping the market.  Asian Trade Investment A packed selection of Asian events saw the holding of the Tokyo Game Show (TGS’23), organized by the CESA and promoting a strong social media element for the pivotal Japanese game festival. There was a major showing from publishers such as Square-ENIX, as well as a conjoined booth for SEGA/Atlus, to name some of the standout highlights. This consumer game show also revealed some of the realities to the last penetration of VR into the consumer scene. One of the last of the territory’s shows for the year, GTI Asia China Expo celebrated the […]

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