
#16-Sound Off – Unlocking the Magic of Entertainment Venues, Arcade Maintenance Mastery, and the Beat of Music Games

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"Sound Off" with Kevin Williams
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Ever wondered what it takes to keep the fun flowing seamlessly at your favorite entertainment spots? Join us as Kevin Williams and I dissect the secret sauce to an exceptional guest experience in the fast-paced world of location-based entertainment. We’re not just talking the thrill of the games, but the science behind strategic machine placement and the magical touch of engaging conversation. Whether you’re curious about the impact of clustering pinball machines or want to learn how every visit can become an unforgettable journey, this episode is your backstage pass to understanding what really makes or breaks a venue’s vibe.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there! Tune in for some candid, chuckle-worthy tales from the arcade frontlines, where broken machines spell opportunity and dust is the enemy in a never-ending battle for operational excellence. Kevin illuminates the evolution of amusement maintenance — from the American to European approaches — and shares invaluable advice on keeping high-tech games in tip-top shape. And for the rhythm in all of us, we hit the play button on the resurgence of music arcade games, discussing everything from the dance revolutions of the past to the beat-pumping potential of the future. Get ready to level up your understanding of the entertainment industry with insights that could inspire the next big gaming craze!

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The brainchild of two location-based experience enthusiasts, Christine Buhr and Brandon Willey, the LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas.

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