
National Waffle Day, Eggo Sippin Drink, Four-legged Friends, PSL are Back, and Seasonal Foods #12

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Today’s Rumination: Does your facility create any holiday-themed F&B offerings?

Let us know your thoughts on our discord server here:

Join us as we explore everything from National Waffle Day to the latest collaboration between Lego My Eggo and Tennessee Sugarland Distillery. We’ve got a packed agenda, as we also address servicing our four-legged friends and Girl Dinner trends???

Do you have a soft spot for pumpkin spice and all things seasonal?  We’ll be sharing thoughts about the new food trends all the way from Starbucks’ secret menu items to the newest treats popping up at theme parks. Lastly, we invite you to join our thriving Discord channel and become part of our LBX community. Let’s learn, laugh, and grow together in this exciting journey through the world of location-based entertainment!

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The brainchild of two location-based experience enthusiasts, Christine Buhr and Brandon Willey, the LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas.

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