
#98 – The Daily Show – Binny gets trashed, NatureEye adventures, and a Bounce Empire

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LBX Daily Show
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Today on LBX Daily, it’s a solo adventure with yours truly, Brandon Willey, as we traverse the whimsical to the revolutionary in the world of tech and entertainment. While Christine is mingling with the tech gods at CES, I’m holding down the fort with tales that’ll pique your curiosity and maybe incite a chuckle or two. First up, we’ve got a Disney debacle that’s shaken the Day Drinkers Club to its core – the saga of Binny the Trashcan’s unexpected journey. Buckle up for that story, and don’t miss the scoop on Birdie’s Links and Drinks, a sanctuary in Delaware where golf lovers and foodies find their bliss under one roof.

Switching gears, imagine soaring over Iceland’s volcanoes or skimming the peaks of Machu Picchu – and you’re in control! That’s the reality with NatureEye, a service that’s here to revolutionize your wanderlust through drone-powered virtual tours. And if you’re in Killeen, Texas, wondering where to spend your Friday night, Area 254 might just be your new entertainment nexus or if in Lafayette, Colorado, Bounce Empire should do the trick. To cap things off, I’ll share a little secret about how the LBX collective is making it easier for you to join us at the upcoming Birthday University event in Orlando.

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The brainchild of two location-based experience enthusiasts, Christine Buhr and Brandon Willey, the LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas.

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