
#87-The Daily Show – Giant Meatballs, 5 Pin vs Duck Pin, Buzz and Piccadilly

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LBX Daily Show
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Could oversized meatballs be the next big hit or a flop in the culinary world? Christine’s back from Arizona, and we’re slicing into the hearty discussion of IKEA UK’s mammoth meatballs, debating the fine line between innovation and tradition. It’s not just size that matters—flavor and that perfect meatball crust are on the table too. And we’re not stopping there! Chuck E. Cheese is spicing up their menu, and we’re dissecting what this means for your taste buds and the broader implications in an industry facing a potential sale.

Strap on your bowling shoes and prepare for an alley adventure as we roll through the captivating world of bowling, comparing the strikes and spares of five-pin, ten-pin, and duck pin variations. Discover the charming Canadian heritage of five-pin bowling and how it stacks up against its counterparts. We’re also shining a spotlight on Union, Missouri’s unique entertainment venture, showcasing how one town’s entrepreneurial spirit can knock down pins and expectations. Join us for a whirlwind tour that guarantees to expand your leisure lexicon and maybe even inspire your next night out!

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The brainchild of two location-based experience enthusiasts, Christine Buhr and Brandon Willey, the LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas.

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