
183TDS_Spreading Joy with Red Nose Day at Chuck E. Cheese’s and Reliving NBA Jam Glory in Arcade Corner

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We’re not just clowning around; Chuck E. Cheese’s partnership with Comic Relief US for the Red Nose Day campaign is a testament to the joy of giving back. This episode will have you considering the impact of laughter on philanthropy and the crucial role of corporate social responsibility. We also step into the enchanting realm of Hole in Wand Mini Golf in Chester, UK, and share how this magical mini-golf experience is casting spells of joy and community connection.

The backboard is heating up with Adam from Arcade Heroes as we relive the slam-dunk nostalgia of NBA Jam in our Wednesday Arcade Corner. We’re swishing through the details of the new NBA Jam-like arcade game that’s reviving the high-flying excitement with the legendary voice of Tim Kitzrow. From analyzing the current game’s roster and features to Raw Thrills’ slam into the sports arcade game scene, this conversation is a full-court press of enthusiasm and anticipation. Don’t miss out on our play-by-play before the game hits arcades for testing, just in time for the Memorial Day weekend festivities.

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The brainchild of two location-based experience enthusiasts, Christine Buhr and Brandon Willey, the LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas.

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