
Super Nintendo World, National Roller Coaster Day, Streaming Video Games, Bicycle Zip Line and Disney Star Wars Hotel

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LBX Daily Show
LBX Daily Show
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Ever wondered how a simple wooden box slide in Russia evolved into Disney’s first steel pipe roller coaster over the centuries? Hitch a ride with us, your hosts, Christine Buhr and Brandon Willey, as we navigate through the adrenaline-filled histories of roller coasters and the location-based entertainment industry. We’ll share our experiences from the immersive Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios and, in honor of National Roller Coaster Day, we’ll explore the thrilling origins of roller coasters.

We’ll also discuss the future of the entertainment industry, the potential of streaming video games, and the excitement around the new concept of a bicycle zipline. But it’s not all thrills and games – we’ll reflect on the closure of Disney’s Star Wars hotel, a stark reminder that even the giants can stumble. So, buckle up, and get ready for a wild ride! Don’t forget to join us on our Discord channel after the podcast to share your thoughts and feedback. We promise it’s going to be an exhilarating journey.


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The LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas in the location-based entertainment and experience industry.

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