
Santa Monica Pier, Ocean Park Dog Friendly?, Pop Tart Crocks, Lucrative Promotional Items and PrizeS

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LBX Daily Show
LBX Daily Show
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Podcasting today from the Santa Monica Pier, starting the discussion with the magic and potential pitfalls of this popular destination and extending our discussion to the unique dog-friendly annual membership program at Ocean Park, Hong Kong. Questions about fees, dog parks, and food safety? Yes, we had them too. We also share insights from an enlightening article by Blooloop on enhancing the guest experience.

Love them or not, we discuss the magical way Crocks are partnering with other brands to create unique limited-edition footwear.

Switching gears, we delve into the lucrative world of promotional items and prizes. Discuss how to increase foot traffic and revenue by making the prizes the star of the show.

We look forward to the IAPPA floor in November, where we will be live broadcasting and look forward to networking with you there. We discuss the importance of community feedback and promotion for the LBX Collective and share tips on how to engage with the podcast, support the collective, and leverage community input for everyone’s benefit.

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The LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas in the location-based entertainment and experience industry.

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