
#54- The Daily Show – Snowy Adventures and Tim Burton’s Labyrinth, the Intricacies of Tipping Etiquette and a Peek into Disney’s New Haunted Mansion Bar

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LBX Daily Show
LBX Daily Show
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Are you ready to ride down a snowy hill in a blow-up raft or wander through Tim Burton’s fantastical maze? This episode takes you on a unique adventure, from the exhilarating snow fun in Norway to the marvels of Tim Burton’s Labyrinth in Brussels. You’ll feel the rush of adrenaline as I share videos of these experiences, transporting you to snowy hills and walking you through a maze filled with iconic works from the legendary filmmaker.

Then, we navigate the thorny issue of tipping etiquette, pondering over the line between reward and expectation. Hear about my own experiences with tipping, including unexpected scenarios at doctor’s offices and self-service machines. And as if this wasn’t enough, we also discuss Disney’s new Haunted Mansion Bar on their Treasure cruise ship. We end the episode by exploring the joy of a 40-minute painting session. I ask the questions we all wonder about: will there be enough paint? Are there showers? Do they offer cell phone covers for those all-important photos? Get ready for a journey filled with fun, questions, and exciting new experiences.

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