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Sound Off #60 - Growth, Nostalgia, and Strategic Innovations in LBE
LBX Daily Show Episode 33 September 25, 2023
Interested in attractions like pumpkin patches with over 60 unique features, including apple cannons and jumping pillows? Or perhaps you’re curious about the latest industry trends from IAPA and Leisure News? Join us as we navigate through this fascinating world, adding a dash of humor with Wendy’s roasts against McDonald’s and Knotts Berry Farms’ hilarious Disney roast.
As we move further into the episode, we discuss a whole new form of entertainment – extreme karaoke! We also introduce you to the inspiring creator of Sugar Snap Play, a mom who is redefining the playing field for children with special needs. We delve into the future of the attractions industry with insights into Sure Shot’s ticket technology and the transformative power of AI. And as we bid you goodbye, we leave you with some food for thought about the current state of the industry, the role of the internet, and the importance of staying connected. So, are you ready for a thrilling journey?
LBX Daily Show August 9, 2024
LBX Daily Show August 8, 2024
LBX Daily Show August 7, 2024
The LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas in the location-based entertainment and experience industry.
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