
#152-TDS-Adventure Park Excitement and Immersive Art: Unveiling Funmax and the Mirror Mirror Exhibit Experience

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LBX Daily Show
LBX Daily Show
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Imagine finding yourself at the crossroads of thrill and innovation, where each corner turned reveals a new adventure waiting to be conquered. That’s where we take you in our latest episode, as we recount the vibrant grand opening of Funmax Adventure Park in Wappinger Falls, New York. Airbag slides, Ninja courses, and trampolines—there’s no shortage of adrenaline here. But with the town’s quaint population numbers, one has to wonder about the park’s sustainability. Join us as we dissect the economic model that could make or break this ambitious project and explore whether a mix of additional attractions could be the secret sauce for success in the world of location-based entertainment.

Our quest doesn’t stop there; we step into the mesmerizing ‘Mirror Mirror’ exhibit in Calgary, navigating through the interactive installations and the triumphs and trials of tech-augmented exploration. While the ‘Forest of Echoes’ room might leave you spellbound, the varying quality of the displays sparks a candid conversation about the execution of Fever pop-up events. Will their reputation influence your next ticket purchase? Find out as we pull back the curtain on the immersive art experience, considering the potential of merchandise to leave a lasting impression—and yes, the unexpected delight of Girl Scout cookies will make its way into the narrative, complete with a side of regional cookie variety trivia.

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The LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas in the location-based entertainment and experience industry.

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