
#111-The Daily Show – Feast of Entertainment, Nuclear Amusement Park, and Throwing an Eclipse Viewing Party

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LBX Daily Show
LBX Daily Show
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Get ready to ignite your imagination and feast on a banquet of ideas that could redefine entertainment and business savvy alike! Today’s broadcast from the bustling Berth University brings you not just a slice of the LBX pie, but the entire feast, as we chat with Kevin in our ‘Sound Off’ segment and brace for the wisdom Mike Abecassis will spill in his ‘Third Degree’ interview. Meanwhile, Chuck E Cheese’s party cookbook emerges as a masterclass in brand extension, with recipes that promise to add pizzazz to any celebration. And if you thought Tough Mudder was a game-changer, wait till you hear about Immersive Game Box’s latest innovation in location-based entertainment.

Strap in for an emotional rollercoaster as we express our mixed feelings about the transformation of a nuclear plant into an amusement park, a curious blend of wonder and what-ifs. The Great American Eclipse also takes center stage, and we are here to guide you through the cosmic dance of shadows with precision and a dash of festivity. Speaking of celebrations, discover how to host an eclipse viewing party that’s out of this world, featuring the Great Wolf Lodge’s howling preparations. As the show concludes, we not only share the importance of eclipse glasses for the grand celestial show but also remind you, our cherished listeners, to savor life’s spectacular events and pursue a life brimming with thrills and fulfillment.

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The LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas in the location-based entertainment and experience industry.

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