
#100-The Daily Show – Celebrating 100 Episodes: Entertainment Summit Buzz, 95 Senses and Sony’s Wonderverse Reviewed

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LBX Daily Show
LBX Daily Show
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Join the jubilation as we unveil our 100th episode with a blast of virtual confetti! In today’s auditory extravaganza, we stride through the inspiring lanes of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, linking the spirit of service to our community-focused discussions. Get a front-row seat to my reflections on the bowling summit in New Orleans and the buzz surrounding the Family Entertainment Center Summit in San Antonio. And for film aficionados, we’ve got a special focus on the Oscars’ animated short film category, featuring the enthralling ’95 Senses.’

As we navigate the sensory enigma of ’95 Senses,’ a film that dissects the potential for undiscovered senses in the afterlife, we’ll also unravel the business acumen behind Mr Gatti’s Pizza’s franchise models. Discover how they’re serving up success alongside their rival, Little Caesars. This episode is a smorgasbord of sensations, ranging from the philosophical to the practical, all cooked up to satiate your curiosity about the intersections of entertainment and enterprise.

Step with caution into Sony’s Wonderverse, as we candidly review our experiences—from the Ghostbusters-themed bar peppered with Easter eggs to the less impressive counterparts, like Jumanji and Uncharted escape rooms. Hear about the highs and lows of Sony’s themed attractions, and decide for yourself if they deliver on the promise of their storied brand. Our centennial episode concludes with a heartening nod to our journey so far and a commitment to keep serving up engaging content that celebrates the vivid tapestry of entertainment culture.

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The LBX Collective aims to inform and educate, create opportunities to connect with industry peers, and to spur collaboration, discourse, and cross-pollination of ideas in the location-based entertainment and experience industry.

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