
#64- The Daily Show – A Discussion Around Active Shooter Awareness with Drew Tewksbury

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LBX Daily Show
LBX Daily Show
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Ever wondered what it takes to ensure safety in the face of potential violence at your organization? Join us as we dig deep into this critical subject with Drew Tewksbury, a leading light in amusement safety, and the director of sales and marketing at McGowan Allied Specialty Insurance. With more than a quarter-century of experience under his belt, Drew brings to the table an abundance of insights and strategies to prepare for, and respond to, an active shooter incident at our facilities.

We unravel the intricate layers of proactive safety measures in this episode, touching upon the key elements of recognizing potential risks of violence and the importance of alertness, especially among younger employees. With the growing prevalence of workplace violence, Drew magnifies the significance of rehearsing safety protocols and the role of insurance coverage designed specifically for active shooters and similar incidents.

As we move further into our illuminating conversation, we delve into creating a culture of safety and preparedness in your organization. Drew articulates the significance of clear communication of safety policies to all employees and the power of regular refresher training. We wrap up with a candid discussion on the importance of training for situational awareness, and how it saved Drew in a potentially dangerous encounter. So, come, tune in and let’s collectively make our workplaces safer.

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